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w00t: Lady Gaga vertelt precies hoe ze bij de Illuminati terecht is gekomen en dat ze spijt heeft!

Nieuws27 dec 2017, 00:00
Er is een nieuwe Netflix documentaire over het leven van Lady Gaga verschenen waarin de zangeres ontzettend openhartig over haar leven is. Volgens talloze Amerikaanse blogs heeft het bedrijf dat de documentaire heeft geproduceerd openheid van zaken gegeven over een aantal scenes die niet in de documentaire zijn geplaatst.
Volgens het productie-bedrijf zou Lady Gaga namelijk advies aan een katholieke priester hebben gevraagd omdat zij van haar 'Dark Spirituality' af zou willen komen. Ze zou ook het moment dat ze haar ziel 'gedoneerd' zou hebben gedetailleerd hebben beschreven. Het verhaal wordt op dit moment op allerlei online platforms geplaatst en gaat nogal viral.
Dat ging dus blijkbaar volgens het internet allemaal als volgt:
I had just been on stage, it was a good show, I was high on the love and applause from the crowd. I was outside lighting a cigarette, thinking about scoring some more cocaine. I was aching for more. More of everything. I just wanted to feel good. Feel anything. Then this man, a strangely ageless man in a suit, spoke to me. He was leaning against the wall, smoking, and he said to me ‘I think you’ve got what it takes. Do you want it?’ I asked what ‘it’ was. I thought he was coming on to me. But he smiled and said ‘Everything. Success. Fame. Riches. Power. Do you want it all?’
“I looked at him curiously. I couldn’t work him out. Then he just stood there and sang one of the songs from my routine earlier. It was otherworldly. I stared at him like he was a dark jewel dredged up from the deepest ocean. I got down on my knees and asked him who I should praise.
I looked him right in the eye and told him I wanted it all.
I told him I’d do anything.”
As a struggling performer who played mostly in dive bars, in burlesque clubs, and at late night revues, Gaga had little commercial success or public recognition before meeting the man she describes as “my illuminated prince.”
After “concluding a deal” with the prince outside the Mercury Lounge in New York City, Gaga found “success was a cinch.” In exchange for her soul, Gaga was able to create the music for which she became famous. Suddenly high-level collaborators, producers and promoters were lining up to work with the unknown burlesque performer.
Within one year she was a multi-platinum pop star, her work reaching an audience of billions around the world.
His promises came true very quickly.”
“At the start I thought we made a good team. But it wasn’t long before I began to suffer.”
“They may give you special powers, outer beauty, talent, and wealth for a while… but it doesn’t last,” Gaga said. “This is the reason why so many people who dabble in the dark arts are so unhappy. They flicker bright like a morning star and then wind up committing suicide or destroying themselves with substance abuse.”
''I have always been honest about my physical and mental health struggles. Searching for years to get to the bottom of them. It is complicated and difficult to explain, and we are trying to figure it out. As I get stronger and when I feel ready, I will tell my story in more depth, and plan to take this on strongly so I can not only raise awareness, but expand research for others who suffer as I do, so I can help make a difference. I use the word “suffer” not for pity, or attention, and have been disappointed to see people online suggest that I’m being dramatic, making this up, or playing the victim to get out of touring. If you knew me, you would know this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a fighter. I use the word suffer not only because trauma and chronic pain have changed my life, but because they are keeping me from living a normal life. They are also keeping me from what I love the most in the world: performing for my fans. I am looking forward to touring again soon, but I have to be with my doctors right now so I can be strong and perform for you all for the next 60 years or more. I love you so much.''
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